Toys for Tots is a top-rated charity |
Our 2024 Toys Campaign will be starting on November 1. All locations that had a collection box last Christmas season will be contacted this year to be a collection site as well. If you would like to join us, you can do so by providing us with the business or retail name of your group, the address where the box will be located, a person that will be the contact, and their phone number.
If you are a non-profit that supports the families in Ottawa, Allegan, or VanBuren Counties, and would like to provide toys as part of your support this Christmas season, you can do that by contacting us as well.
Our contact information is either "Coordinator@LakeshoreTosy4Tots.org" or 1 800 518 0695.
Coordinator for Ottawa, Allegan, and Van Buren Counties:
Gy/Sgt Edward Lopez (Retired)